Tuesday 22 June 2010

Tuesday 22nd June 2010 - A Restful Day In Santiago de Compostela

Had a really good sleep and a long lie-in this morning. Taking a leisurely time getting a shower and dressed was a luxury. First stop was a little cafe / bar for chocolate con churros. The chocolate was thick and yummy! Next stop was the Catedral and then the tomb of the man himself, wi his two pals Athanasius and sumbdy else (ahve forgotten who??). It was a wait of about an hour for this, and that was followed by a long, hot walk to the Estacion - just to get its whereabouts for my departure on Thursday.

The University Quadrangle
Back up to the old town then and I had a wee wander about - the University; the wee side streets and their tapas bars and restaurants etc. To get away from the heat, I popped into the Sant Yago tapas bar for a nice platter of chorizo + queso + vino tinto + cafe solo. Lovely it was!

A Wee Combo Givin It Laldy!!!

I met some Swiss friends from the Camino and we got chatting about things and were all congratulating one another, and talking of our plans. They are catching a bus tomorrow and visiting Finisterre for the day. A day trip sounds good, but I have decided not to bother going to O Grove tomorrow as there is still so much to see here in Santiago. I need to rest still and savour the town's offerings - food and drink etc.

Taking a siesta this afternoon on ma wee balcony / terrace with its great view of the Catedral. Hope I don't fall asleep and get burned!

The Catedral From Paséo de Léons

After a siesta, I spent the early evening having a walk around the Alameda. There were some glorious views. I finished off with a large cone (dos bolos) and a bottle of cool water. It was great people watching away from the tourist throngs.

The Catedral From The Alameda
The rest of the evening was spent tapasing (is that a verb?). A great wee place was the Gato Negro but there were so many to name. I tried to keep away from the tourist and perigrino haunts. One place I especially liked was the Cafe Casino which had some classical music performed by, I would imagine, some students from the Santiago Conservatoire (is that how you spell it? - I know someone who will post a correction!!!!!). The introductions were way over my head but I applauded nevertheless!

The evening was finished off by watching the second half of a football match between Greece and Argentina. It was a good game, made better by not having to listen to English commentators!


Iain Gibson said...

We have enjoyed your travels so much these days, pity it has to end. Wishing you well and happy days in France, however enjoy my beloved Spain till the last. Good food, good wine and good coffee (ask for a carajillo de orujo de hierbas before you go) How I wish I was doing what you are doing. You will feel a different person from now on Michael. Enjoy. Suerte y que te desfrutas de lo que tienes enfrete de tus ojos mismos.

Iain Gibson said...

You can have a free meal in the Hostal Dos Reis Catolicos. It is in the Praza do Obradiro a few meters from the cathedral. They provide a meal to the first ten pilgrims who show up at 9 am, 12pm, and 7 pm.You have to provide a copy of your compostella and queue up at a side entrance, hope you manage to enjoy this wonderful service to pilgrims. Take care and be happy.

Iain Gibson said...

Spelling correction :- Conservatorio Profesional Santiago de Compostela

Michael A. Nolan said...

Thanks Iain for the spelling correction. I knew it was going to bother me!!!!

Had a great time at lunch in the Hostal Dos Reis Catolicos. A real United Nations experience! Nice wine too!